Tag Archives: Sorrel

Greens! Greens! Look At Them Greens!

Last night we were the recipients of some freezing rain. This morning everything was covered with a layer of ice. Fortunately not enough to cause any local damage that I am aware of. Being that I am not a big fan of the cold I didn’t make it outside while the ice was still thick. By the time I got out to the cold frame to take this picture much of it had melted with our 30F high today. I did try to get a picture of what remained but the battery on the camera gave out as I was trying to frame the shot. Oh well I am sure it won’t be the last ice we see this winter.

The greens are a mixture of several lettuces, spinach, radishes and several other salad greens. That is sorrel and some chives near the bottom of the picture. I scattered a mix of different seeds with the plant to thin (and eat) what was left after the radishes were gone. I really didn’t expect to see anything but brown dead things in there after the 10F night we had the other night. Looks like I may be on to something.