Tag Archives: Propagation

Future Tomatoes

These babies are Big Beef, Celebrity and Classica. The seed was a couple of years old in some cases and yet it looks like every one sprouted. These are growing in the float tray.

It wasn’t till last week that I realized I planted my tomaotes about a month earlier than I had planned to. I don’t normally plant them in the garden till mid May, these should be monsters by then. I am not sure what I was thinking, early March is not April 1st. Oh well early to plant…

Update: Propagation Table aka Cutting Bench

I’ve completed one side of my propagation table aka cutting bench aka old sink with a light in it for heat. I cut 20 circles about 3 3/4″ in diameter into a 2’x2’x3/8″ piece of plywood. The holes hold the 18 oz drink cups that are so cheap at the store. I cut a drainage hole in each cup and they sit in the holes with the soil down in the heated area. Old soda bottles make great humidity chambers. There are also some larger drink cups salvaged from the floor of my car after a fastfood visit. One has a 2 liter soda bottle on top to keep the humidity up on cuttings that have not yet rooted. I also use the bottom that was cut off of the 2 liter to cover cups with seeds in the process of sprouting. Smaller cups can also work by using a cardboard adapter easily cut to size. All in all I am very pleased with the way this has turned out. I need to put together another light for the other side and cut another piece of plywood. I will then be able to support 40 containers in a 2’x4′ area.