Tag Archives: Daylilies

Daylily Propagation

Like I don’t have enough to do to keep me busy…


I ran into an article about starting daylily seeds and thought I would give it a try. My peroxide was a little old so I don’t know that it had any effect whatsoever but the water is still clear and free of slimy stuff so perhaps it did.

In a nutshell… Last year I harvested some seeds from my Stellas as they ripened. Its easy to tell when they are ready as the little seed pods open to reveal black seeds inside. I gathered the pods and put them in a box on my back porch. The porch is protected and heated somewhat, so it stays about 15F higher than the outside. The lowest it got out there this winter was the high 20s. The seeds sat there till March 9 when I placed them in the water/H2O2 mix. I used more liquid than the above link showed. I didn’t realize it till I had already placed the seed in the jar and didn’t want to risk pouring them down the drain. All in all there were probably about 25 seeds. This jar was placed in a cupboard in the kitchen where it was kept dark and in the high 60s/low 70s.


Fast forward to March 17, just 8 days later and 5 have sprouted! I’ve planted these 5 in cups of soil under the lights down stairs. I can’t wait to see what I end up getting.