Tag Archives: Strawberries

Raspberries, buddleia, strawberries, veggies, lotsa weeds.

Purchased and planted 1 ‘Black Knight’ butterfly bush and 1 bluebeard.

The raspberries have been coming on for some time. I am amazed at how much fruit we are getting from 6 plants. It appears that there is some vines that will not bear this year. I will probably leave them and see if they leaf out next spring. The blackberries from Park are doing marvelous. I had cut them back to the ground when I planted them. The other 3 I bought locally and didn’t cut back aren’t doing anything really. They are a different variety. Guess I’ll cut the next ones back should I get any more. I am considering some more raspberries for next spring.

The strawberries are FINALLY weeded. I really shouldn’t let them get so weedy.

The tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers are going strong. Round 2 of the beans are about done. I was hoping to put another planting in but I believe I will save the space for fall lettuce/radishes. Round 3 of the beans are well on their way. The grape tomato plants Taryn gave me are producing well.

The squash is about over. The borers always get to it before I do. I’ve tried mounding some soil around the vines…we’ll see.

There will be enough dill to supply all of the eastern half of the country if all the seed that has fallen to the ground sprouts next spring.

The cukes are history.

Time to go weed some more

Strawberries – Yr 2

Strawberry bed 2004
Strawberries in bloom – May 4, 2004

The strawberries are in full bloom. What started out as 50 plants in 2003 ended up as a solid mass (15’x25′) of plants by spring of 2004. These June bearers came from Southern States Coop. I wish I could remember which variety they were.

Our first strawberry season is over. Many were saved in the freezer, eaten fresh and a few were lost due to the rains that kept us out of the bed. I didn’t get them covered but I don’t believe we lost too many to the birds. The cicadas were out this year and the birds are feasting on them instead. I have noticed that even the mulberry tree that is usually harvested as it ripens is loaded with ripe berries.

The rejuvination consisted of mowing the bed on the highest mower setting, tilling, fertilizing and laying straw. The mowing helped to show where last years rows were. These are the areas that were tilled, fertilized and mulched. I then gave the remaining plants a foliar feed with some Peters