Tag Archives: Radishes

Persimmon, fenugreek, borage, viola, bee balm, cosmos.

The lettuce and radishes are coming up but nothing from the spinach, peas or beets yet. (6/7 the peas never made a showing)

It didn’t freeze, only got in the mid 30s as far as I can tell.

Started some old seed in half a leek float tray. Fugie Persimmon, Fenugreek, Lemon Bergamot, Viola and Borage.
(6/7 still nothing from the persimmon, everything else is up and doing fine)

Purchased some “Candy Stripe” Cosmos and Summer Savory from the Health Food Store in Florence. Both were broadcast in a small container, moist soil and plastic wrapped. This and the float tray went on the back porch


I picked some of the last of the fall radishes this past weekend. This fall has been very kind to us temperature-wise. The last of the raspberries were picked just a couple of weeks ago. While we have had frosts and a freeze or two some of the tender herbs have yet to die back.

I had planned to clean out the flowerbed soon after die back but I’ve been seeing some birds enjoying the seeds there. I think I’ll just leave it for now.

Looking ahead to next year… More raspberries are a must. I might also replace half of the strawberry bed with everbearing during next year’s renovation.