Tag Archives: Pesticides

SVB – revisited

On my daily walk through the garden I took a closer look at my remaining zucchini vines. All but the youngest (in another section of the garden) had evidence of squash vine borer infestation. This is what the larva looks like. Not a great picture but you get the idea. It is an immature form of a moth. As I was inspecting an adult moth flew right past me. I wasn’t able to get a picture but you can see one and get more info at the Univ. of Ky Entomology site.


I decided to break down and treat with Bt. This is one of the few times in the past three years I’ve had to use anything. Usually I am able to remove the infested vines and go about my business. This year though they seem to be worse than normal. Perhaps it is the lack of rain. Perhaps fewer gardens in the area.

I mixed up the Bt according to the directions on the lable. I picked mine up at Worms Way earlier this year just in case. A syringe would have worked better but all I had was an eye dropper left over from the baby rabbits so I made due. I injected some Bt into the holes I could find and applied the remaining to the one uninfested plant. More than likely I’ll need to treat again as per the directions. I am also going to mound some soil over the base of the vines of the infested plants.

Parasitized Tobacco Hornworm on Tomato

I was out and about in my garden and noticed some bare stems where tomato leaves used to be. Not far away I found this guy. It is a Manduca sexta aka Tobacco Hornworm. They are a tobacco pest but are found on tomatoes too. The white cocoons are from a tiny parasitic wasp that lays it’s eggs in the worm. I try not to spray anything in my yard other than Bt or Rotenone and welcome these little wasps. This hornworm’s days are numbered.