Tag Archives: Onions

Apricot, wintergreen woes and potato onions.

My apricot has its first two blooms open. It appears that there are a couple dozen blooms set to open. (6/7 no surprise we lost the blooms to frosts. I knew an apricot here was pushing it but I am keeping my fingers crossed anyway.)

Went searching for wintergreen on the local trail but found none. I did dig some day lillies from near the rr tracks that I have been meaning to get for the past 5 years. They went in the flower bed.

Ordered 13 wintergreen plants off ebay along with some potato onions. (the Wintergreen plants died, the potato onions are doing great as of 6-2-05)

Oh No More Leeks!

60 turned into 260 which is turning into at least another 60. It all started simply enough. Order some leek transplants since the lack of a greenhouse pretty much insures no leek harvest here. 60 should be more than we will ever need I thought. I was pleasently surprised when my bundle of leeks came from Park Seed several weeks ago. There were at least 70 large sturdy transplants and another almost 200 of smaller transplants. Since the ground has been so wet they went into float trays temporarily. (see previous post) Well last night I received an email telling me that they had sent out my 60 leeks… yesterday. More leeks? No its the Egyptian Walking Onions I am waiting for I wrote in my reply email. Well this evening I learned that the EWO were sold out when I ordered them (nice of them to keep them in the online catalog and they are still there as of this morning). They didn’t have an record of sending me any leeks so they sent the order out. So… I have enough leeks for the tri-state area but still no Egyptian Walking Onions. Anybody want to trade some leeks for walking onions?