Tag Archives: Mulch

And She SCORES!!!


Wooo hooo it is a great day here at KG! This morning I couldn’t help but hear the guys from the state road crew cutting back the Bradford Pear trees along our road. I happened to notice that they had a mulcher with them…mulcher…trees…garden. YESSSS. It took me three trips out to the road to finally connect with the supervisor. I happened to point out how easy it would be to drop off that half of a dump truck load right there in our yard at the edge of the road. Plenty of room to turn around, easy in, easy out. I was hopeful when he walked over with me to see where the dump spot was. I came back in the house and looked out a little later to see that they were gone. I was bummed as I thought I wasn’t getting any mulch today. But… a little while later a pile had magically appeared back near the garden. Only a gardener would get excited about someone dumping chopped up trees on their lawn. lol

One thing I did consider was disease. The reason these trees were cut was that they were overgrown, not diseased. Also, I don’t have any fruit trees that will be getting this mulch so I feel safe. If anyone knows any different please let me know.

Now what to do with all this mulch? I see mulched garden aisles, more compost… ideas, I need more ideas, anyone?