Tag Archives: Gooseberries

A Very Productive Day

I started out this morning planning to spend just 2 hours outside. I had a project that I thought was due on Monday and needed to get on it asap. Lo and behold I found out it wasn’t due till Thursday so… 10 hours later I am exhausted but oh so much is done. No pictures this time. I was just too busy to come in and get the camera.

I planted my two gooseberries (1 Poorman and 1 Pixwell) in the edge of the herb bed. Not an herb but the shady end of the bed was looking pretty bare. I also added some thyme and moved some chives out of the cold frame and into the same bed. After planting, I added some of the chipped pear tree mulch that I gleaned from the road crew last year.

My two Nanho Blue butterfly bushes when into a rather sparce flower bed I started last year. I potted up the Black Knight b. bush, not sure where it will end up now but the 3 gallon pot gives me some time to figure it out. Into the same bed went my goumi (a type of bush cherry).

I weeded around both flower beds.

The Darlow’s Enigma rose went into the side yard in the spot I had picked out for it. I mean to add some worm castings but forgot. Oh well, a top dressing later on perhaps.

I made my first round of alfalfa tea this past week. I gave the apricot, half a row of blackberries, one section of strawberries, some of the asparagus and some of the raspberries a treatment. Never used the stuff before so I wanted to treat some to see if there was a noticeable difference.

I cleaned out both beds along the north and south side of the house. On the north side I planted a couple of currants, some vinca and a couple of autumn ferns. Not sure they will stay there but they should be ok this year anyway. On the other side I put two of the highbush cranberries and out in the yard went a saucer magnolia my friend Eric gave me this past winter.

My last grape vine when into the ground along the fence in the garden. From the same general area I dug another blackberry start. I’ve dug about half a dozen total over the last couple of weeks. I noticed that the Candace vine I planted a month or so ago actually had a couple of flower clusters starting. I pinched them off. I have a general rule that I never let anything bloom the first year (except the raspberries). I’d rather the plant spend its first year building a good root system.

I noticed the Paul’s Himalayan Musk rose I picked up on ebay is looking great. There are several new canes coming up from the base as well as half a dozen or so shoots about a half inch long.

The front corner of the house is plagued with several vines. Honeysuckle, Virginia creeper and poison ivy plus another one I don’t know the name of gave me one heck of a run for my money. I sure hope I don’t get poison ivy. I was into it before I realized it. I washed off pretty quick. If I do end up getting it I should have a pretty good case right about time for my final exam. Oh joy…

Running out of Room

I was out in the garden a couple of times this year so far. I was able to get in before the last set of rains came and plant some early veggies. Then came the torrents. My seeds are probably over in the church parking lot by now. At least the parishioners will have fresh veggies.

I have been slowly trying to build up my fruit supply. I ordered 6 more raspberry plants (I put 6 out last year) and put them in pots (ground too wet by the time I got them). I did get the 25 Ozark Beauty day neutral strawberries in the ground though. The 2 filberts and 1 gooseberry (lots of thorns, never tried them, hope they are good) went in to containers as they came in. I am going to end up putting the filberts in half barrels and will deal with the gooseberry if anything comes of it.

The rhubarb I planted last year is coming up and the blackberries are sending out leaves. I have 260 leeks in float trays, a head of elephant garlic and a couple dozen shallots waiting for the soil to dry. I have some walking onions on order and that is all I am waiting on this year.

I have carved my non perennial garden from about 40×60 to two spots. One is 12×15 and the other is about 15×40. Just enough room for some of the annual veggies. One area is fenced in as I can’t get the beans, spinach and lettuce over about an inch tall with the rabbits around here. They usually don’t bother the tomatoes and peppers as long as I allow some weeds to grow in the garden at planting. If I till it bare they repay me by eating what ever I put in the ground.

The local high school put an announcement in the paper calling for residents wanting to play in their greenhouse. They have a beautiful 2 year old greenhouse and for $10 we can sow seeds to our hearts content. It gives the kids something to take care of and gives us green house space for the next month. A good time is had by all. If everything I have sown comes up I’ll need to till up that church parking lot