Tag Archives: Garden Ornaments

World’s Longest Yard Sale

The better part of today was spent traveling up and down Highway 127 for the WLYS. Lasting 4 days, spanning 450 miles and 4 states there is something for EVERYONE at this thing. I try to go every year but this year actually had a bit of money to spend. Here is some of what I picked up.

Weed eater – $5
Not sure if it works as it was out of gas. The motor turns so I am hopeful. It came from an estate sale so we shall see.

Donvier Ice Cream Maker – $7
I’ve been wanting one of these for a long time. No rock salt, no electricity. Just place the cannister in the deep freeze for a while and it gets cold enough to make 1 qt of ice cream. mmmm

Storm Window w/screen – $5
For the as of yet unmade second cold frame. Its too small for the 4×8 frame I’m making this fall but it was in such good shape I couldn’t pass it up. Everyone needs 2 cold frames right?

Phullostachys Bissetii – Bamboo – 2 gallon pot – $10
I’ve been wanting some bamboo for a while and this stuff is supposed to be hardy to -20F. At least that is what the guy who sold it to me said. I’ve seen it growing in his yard for several years so it should do fine here.

6 (or7) local high school yearbooks from 1959-65 $20
I have a web site where I scan old yearbooks and put them online. This was a great deal for these books and I’ll more than make my $$ back on ebay once I get them scanned, indexed and put online.

Rotating metal sun spinner – $35
I LOVE this thing. It is made out of stainless steel, very heavy duty. When it spins it is made in such a way that the light reflects off the fins and it appears that light is moving either inward or outward depending on the direction of the turning. I picked up the middle sized one which is about 1 foot in diameter. A local couple sell them, a friend of theirs in MN makes them and they are awesome. They have probably a dozen or so different types and colors. There was a really neat cross that looked like it was vibrating with light.

Tomorrow we go back out to look for more goodies.