Tag Archives: Container Gardening

Container Tomatoes

We have been picking tomatoes off this grouping for several weeks now. These Florida Basket and Patio F tomatoes were planted in a bag of soil back in early May and have been doing great. They are to the size now where they do need to be watered daily and I have fertilized a couple of times with some MG. I will definitely do this again next year.


A few feet away this grape tomato plant is loving it’s half barrel. There are also a couple of basil plants in there too. It has been very productive too. These two are right next to the house which makes it nice. Since I see them every time I come home they are getting more attention than they would out in the garden. The deer haven’t made it this far either.


What to do with all of the tomatoes? One can only eat so many cherry tomatoes. Since I am not sure what the larger tomato harvest will be like… and since I recently ran out of the dehydrated toms I did 2 yrs ago I decided it was time to take advantage of the extras and dry them. The 1/4 inch slices went into the food dehydrator for about 12-15 hrs. 5 trays ended up with about 3 cups of toms.

This is a test…this is only a test…

Last year I grew some cherry tomatoes in containers in this half barrel. I didn’t plant them directly in the soil already in the barrel for two reasons. There was still a stump of a dead apricot tree there and the soil would need some major overhauling if it was to grow tomatoes worth anything.

This year the stump is gone but the same old tired soil still inhabits the barrel. I knew I still wanted tomatoes in this barrel but didn’t want to fool with old soil. I remembered how a friend once grew commercial tomatoes under black plastic. Their roots loved the warmth, it kept weeds down and helped keep the soil moist (he had drip irrigation). I also remembered hearing how some greenhouse growers would simply line bags of soil in the greenhouse, cut them open and plant the tomatoes inside. The idea was that the soil was only used once (good for tomatoes, cuts down on disease) and makes cleanup a snap. I decided to mix the two techniques for my mini bush cherries this year.

The pics were taken with the cell phone cam.


A bag of potting soil with slow release fertilizer included. I cut 4 openings and poked a couple of holes in the bottom of the bag for drainage and planted the toms.

It would have been a little easier if I had laid the garbage bag before cutting and planting but it worked out find in the end. They are watered in and ready to go.