Tag Archives: Cast Iron

Grinding Popcorn

Popcorn is notoriously hard to grind. Many grinders specifically forbid the use of popcorn in their units. Not having a grain mill yet I had never really tried grinding popcorn for fresh cornbread but was looking forward to it when I do finally break down and pick up the grinder I’ve had my eye on.

This past week I had stopped by the local Goodwill looking for goodies when I ran across a coffee grinder for a few dollars. I think I paid about 8 or 10 for it after the discount for that day. It is a Capresso Infinity Burr Grinder. It is the stainless model which sells for about $120 or so. It had never been taken out of the package that I could tell. Not bad for less than $10. It grinds from course to very fine (for Turkish coffee) and, since it had never been used it didn’t come with a coffee bean smell that I had half expected. I thought, why not try it on popcorn. What is the worst that can happen? I lose a few dollars.

First I ran some white wheat through as a test. I thought if it couldn’t handle the wheat, there was no way it could handle the popcorn. The wheat was ground into a consistency slightly finer than cream of wheat but coarser than flour. I ended up running the popcorn through twice. It did get hung up a couple of times but it was easy to take apart and clean. I looked for a recipe online and found a good sweet cornbread recipe on the All Recipes site. I used the flour and cornmeal I had just ground. It ended up taking a little more milk than the recipe called for. I let the corn soak up the milk for about 10 minutes before mixing in everything else. I baked it in a cast iron skillet in the oven. VERY good flavor but a little crumbly. I will probably add another egg next time. All in all I am very pleased with my grinder. I can see fresh cream of wheat and cornbread in my future.

Yard Sale Treasure

Yesterday morning we hit the ‘world’s longest yard sale’ as we do every year. Aside from the odd rude individual that sees nothing wrong with parking their UHaul to block in several cars… it was a great time. I found an old Wagner Ware cast iron Drip Drop Roaster with the trivet included. I paid $20 for it. It needs a good seasoning for sure. I love the way the writing looks. It has that grandmother’s kitchen look to it. It had been marked at $50, then $30 and I talked the seller down to $20. I don’t know if it is worth that but I am happy with it. I tried to determine when it was made and the patent dates on the underside of the lid end with 1922. I don’t know if that means that it was made in 22 or not. On one site I read that the 1268b also on the underside of the lid may place it as being made in the 1940s. In either case I am happy with it. I also picked up a newer (91) Wagner cast iron skillet. It was one of the 100 year batch. Not worth anything to a collector but a good skillet to cook with.