Tag Archives: Broccoli

Potato Onions, more raspberries, lovage, savory, zinnias, broccoli and my bench.

Rec’d and planted out the 15 potato onions I bought on ebay.

Planted the 6 new Heritage raspberries that have been in pots since I rec’d them. I added a start from last years batch to finish the new row. So far there are about 100 starts in last years row. Yesterday I took V 6 starts. The new row was amended with leaves from the ditch, 1 bag of manure/humus and some grass clippings.

Mulched the blackberries and rhubarb with the manure/humus mix.

Bought and planted 2 Lovage and 1 Sorrel in the herb bed. Also bought a winter savory. It went into the flower bed along with some poppy seeds.

Seeded 72 cell tray with 3 different varieties of zinnia (tall, medium and short)

Still no peas but the beets, lettuce and radishes are up. Its hard to tell but I think there is some spinach coming up too.

T. bought me a park bench from Walmart today. Wooohoooo! I put it out under the sassafras trees. Now I just need them to leaf out so I’ll have some shade.

Purchased and planted 12 broccoli plants in a double row. I’ll finish out the row with zucchini or tomatoes, havent decided which yet