Tag Archives: Pests

Serenade – Organic Fungicide

One of my figs has a pretty good case of rust going. If I don’t do something I may end up losing it. So… while out looking for something as minimally toxic as possible I ran across Serenade. It’s active ingredient is Bacillus subtilis, a soil critter related to the critter responsible for the Bt insecticide. According to the label it is effective on ornamentals as well as fruits and veggies against all manner of nasties including rust and powdery mildew. I did a minimal amount of research just now and it may or may not be as affective against powdery mildew as it states according to several researchers out there. I may have a chance to try it out as one of my lilacs usually gets it pretty bad. One Arizona study had good results using it against a disease in lettuce that I can’t seem to remember right at the moment. I’ll give it a shot and report back. Anybody else ever use this one? Opinions?

Blooms, some spots and where are all the pictures?



The blueberries are a bloomin’. Normally it is a little colder when the blueberries bloom. Rarely do I see any honey bees out yet but the yearly visit from my lone bumble bee should be starting up any time now. She can often be seen doing her best to pollinate the blueberries. I do everything but build a shrine to her. She is my hero.

The first blooms of the season on both the June bearing and everbearing strawberries are starting. The currants and my Miss Kim lilac are both loaded with what will be future blooms. The tulips are up and in full bloom. I only have two of them and ended up cutting them last night as we were supposed to get a bad storm. Thankfully it missed us.

This is mom’s creeping phlox. I took a start of this from mom’s place after she passed. It has lived in a 3 gallon pot for the last 10 years. I supposed I could separate it out and put some in the ground. When is the best time to separate phlox? Have I missed it this year?


One of my new Brown Turkey Figs has some spots on the leaves. I picked the one at the top of the page up at a local place (Jungle Jim’s) and about a week or two later noticed these spots. Any ideas? I tried googling fig and spots but every entry maked fig. 132, fig. 87 etc came up. I went with figs but that was of little help. And why the heck are all of these University publications lacking photos? With digital cameras as cheap as they are these days can’t we get some pictures on those fact sheets?