Tag Archives: Pests

Mosquito Larvae

I was just checking on the lettuce under lights in the basement and found some mosquito larvae in the water. It was no surprise, I had been expecting them. I dumped the existing water, filled the container with fresh and added abt 1tbs of 20-20-20 to the 6 gallons of water. I couldn’t find the fish tank air pump I had planned on using there so I guess I’ll have to procure one soon. Not sure that will work but since the females prefer to lay their eggs in standing water perhaps I can get enough circulation in there to make it unattractive.

Parasitized Tobacco Hornworm on Tomato

I was out and about in my garden and noticed some bare stems where tomato leaves used to be. Not far away I found this guy. It is a Manduca sexta aka Tobacco Hornworm. They are a tobacco pest but are found on tomatoes too. The white cocoons are from a tiny parasitic wasp that lays it’s eggs in the worm. I try not to spray anything in my yard other than Bt or Rotenone and welcome these little wasps. This hornworm’s days are numbered.