Tag Archives: Critters

Young visitor

I went out to take some pictures for this post and almost stepped on a little rabbit that ran under my foot as I was walking in the garden. We startled each other I think as he/she quickly ran for cover next to this daylily. Judging by it’s size, I would say this little guy is about 4 weeks old. Several years ago seeing this little guy would unnerve me but it is hard to feel the same way since I hand fed that litter a few years back.


These yellow iris have probably been here as long as the house has. They were growing up near the door in a small area that was very over crowded when I thinned it out a couple of summers ago. This is where I planted the smallest ones. They get lots of sun and it tends to be on the dry side. This is the best showing of blooms I’ve seen from these yet.

I got back from watching Tia’s rehearsal at about 1:30 or 2. I tore into the 3 bags of composted manure I picked up from Lowes yesterday and made some soil by combining a bag of manure, some top soil from the yard and some peat moss. I have a small metal trash can I keep the soil in after mixing it in the wheel barrow. Nothing scientific about it but the plants seem to like the mix. I repotted the new Chicago Hardy fig, kiwi and Pres. Lincoln lilac I recently picked up. I also repotted a blueberry and a rooted fig cuttings from last year. The black knight butterfly bush as well as Eric’s zebra grass went into the side yard. I wanted the BB closer to the house but there really wasn’t a good place that the dog doesn’t get into on his walks. The last bag of manure was spread around a couple of container lilacs and cherries.


In addition to these gooseberries, we have currants (red and white), the blackberries are blooming and the raspberries are about to. The kiwi fruit are developing as are the grapes. We will have lots of grapes assuming I can keep black rot off of them. It has been VERY wet the last few weeks so that may be a trick in itself. Many of the old roses are blooming or preparing to do so and the chives are in full bloom. May has to be my favorite month. Everything is so new and green and alive.

15000+ steps

Yesterday I logged 15000 steps. This includes the 6690 steps it took to mow my part of the yard. I know this because my cell phone has a step counter on it. Too cool eh?

Note to self. Do not mow over cut raspberry canes barefooted.

Lets see… into the ground went my yellow carpet rose, 3 Siberian tomato plants, 3 cukes and possibly 2 zucchini or 2 more cukes. I forgot to label the pot and they are just now coming up and look too similar to tell at this point. I also got my safir cutting celery planted as well as 2 ferns and 2 elderberries. I know there is more but darn if I can remember it right now. I also moved a small rhubarb that I though had died last year when I planted the echinacea. This year the little rhubarb came back and was too close to the expanding clump of echies so I move the rhubarb. It is currently pouting.

I took a bunch of herb photos for the gardening shindig we are having at work next month. I am talking about herbs so I thought it would be helpful to have some photos. I found this 8 spotted forester moth lounging on some lovage during the photo shoot. I’ll have to keep an eye out for larvae on my grapes.